Hardwick B & A Club
Hardwick Primary School
Bury St Edmunds
Tel: 07858 471676
Ofsted Registration No: 961777

B & A Club Terms and Conditions


  1. The B & A Club is open to children attending Hardwick Primary School in Reception Class through to Year 6 and is run independently from the school by a separate committee.

  2. The club is open from 7:45 to 8:50am and 3:15pm to 6:00pm Monday to Friday during term time only.

  3. The club provides a safe place for children to stay before and after school with activities. A snack and a drink are also provided.

  4. Children will be delivered to their class in the morning and collected from their classroom and taken to the club at the end of the school day.

  5. Parents will be required to collect their child from the club at, or before, 6:00pm and will be asked to sign their child out of the club.


  1. Bookings must be made prior to the actual session unless in case of an emergency

  2. Enquiries regarding B & A Club should be made via telephone 07858471676 or via email to contact@hardwickbanda.org.uk

  3. A booking request can be made for either a regular place, e.g. every Monday, or a ‘one-off’ date(s). We aim to accommodate all requests made however places at the club are limited.

  4. If we are unable to offer you a regular place on your chosen day(s) we will retain your details on a waiting list and we will endeavour to contact you should a place arise.

  5. Once your day(s) are confirmed you will be guaranteed your requested day provided all payments are made, attendance is regular and your child’s place at the club has not been withdrawn (see below)

  6. Please inform the club immediately if you no longer require your child to attend B & A Club.

  7. If your child will not be attending a particular session that they are registered for please inform the club giving as much notice as possible.

  8. In the event that you would like to change the days that your child attends B & A Club please contact staff with your new requirements.


  1. The charge for each session is £3.25 per child for breakfast club and £8.00 for after school . Payments can be made by BACS or childcare vouchers (payable to Hardwick B & A Club.)

Dietary Needs and Medical Conditions

  1. We are unable to administer medication to a child at the club unless it is an Epi-Pen or an inhaler for which parents must have completed a ‘Request and Consent for the Administration of Medication in School’ form available at the school office. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that all medication provided to the school has not exceeded its expiry date and is marked clearly with your child’s name.

  2. It is the parent’s responsibility to disclose any special dietary needs or medical conditions on the booking form.

  3. Children are not permitted to bring their own food to the club unless this has been agreed in writing by the manager in advance of their attendance at the club.

Withdrawing an offer of a place

We reserve the right to withdraw an offer of a place in the following circumstances:

  1. Unacceptable behaviour resulting in distress or disruption to adults or children at the club.

  2. Where a child has not attended the club for their allocated session for a period of 3 consecutive weeks and the club has not been informed

  3. Where payments are not made and arrears are accumulating we reserve the right to cancel the booking with immediate effect. Action to recover payments due will be taken as detailed in the Club's Financial Policy.